If your tooth has an infection, it is important to visit a root canal specialist. A root canal specialist can remove the infected area of the tooth while preserving as much of the natural tooth structure as possible. This procedure makes it possible to continue to use the tooth without experiencing any discomfort. It also allows for restoring oral health.
How teeth become infected
A tooth can sustain an infection due to a buildup of plaque and bacteria. However, the infection in a root will spread to the interior of the tooth. For this to take place, the decay typically needs to spread. Thus, if a patient visits our clinic for ongoing health checkups and cavity treatments, we can typically prevent the infection from spreading. A damaged tooth is also more likely to suffer from infection because of a hole or gap in the tooth structure.
The infection can be painful
When the interior of the tooth or root becomes infected, it can be terribly painful. It can make it impossible to eat or even bite down. The pain can be truly excruciating, and this leads many people to think that a root canal procedure is a solution. In truth, this procedure actually helps to restore the health of the tooth. Once we remove the infection, patients can begin to return to a normal routine where eating does not cause any discomfort.
Reasons to visit a root canal specialist
While most dentists will perform a root canal when necessary, they only do so occasionally. The typical family or general dentist office spends the majority of their time on preventative care. Preventative care means doing things such as routine teeth examinations, dental cleanings and cavity treatments. Some places may also do restorations by providing dental bonding or dental crowns.
However, if the professional does not perform root canals on a regular basis, this can lead to less than optimal outcomes. As with any procedure, experience and the number of procedures will add to a providers’ knowledge and skill level. In other words, for the best possible results, it is wise to visit a dental professional that performs root canals on a regular basis.
A root canal specialist may be able to save and restore a tooth that another provider would recommend extracting. Again, with more experience, a specialist can tackle more complicated and difficult procedures. Therefore, if another provider recommends an extraction, it is wise to visit a root canal specialist prior to making a final decision.
Keeping patients comfortable
A specialist will also know how to keep patients comfortable during the procedure. In our clinic, we offer a variety of solutions for pain management and also to decrease our patients’ anxiety.
After completing a root canal, the tooth will need a restoration with a dental crown before it will be fully functional. While this is essentially a two-step process, it is well worth it. Once the procedure is complete, the patient will have a fully-restored, fully functional and aesthetically pleasing tooth.
During the recovery process, patients can typically manage any discomfort using ibuprofen and a cold compress. After a few days, any discomfort should diminish and patients can typically begin eating normal foods again.
Learn more
To learn more about a root canal procedure or to see if one can be used to save your infected tooth, call our clinic. As a root canal specialist, we can answer questions and provide necessary treatment.

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